A Congress of Animals
~ There are people, and there are animals. ~
That in and of itself is a weird statement. We might more accurately say, there are people and other animals. Or better yet, there are human people, and dog people, and elephant people and dolphin people, and so on. I find my mind shifts a little with relation to other animals when I add “people” after each type of animal. For example, I’m typing this blog post on the beach as some bird-people fly over in v-formation. I’m hoping I can look out at the waves at some point and see a dolphin person or two.
Speaking as Trees
I read somewhere that humans share 50 percent of DNA with trees. To compare this with our more closely related but still distant cousins, we also share 98.8 percent of DNA with chimps, 98 percent with pigs, 90 percent with cats, and 84 percent with dogs. On the lower end, we share 26 percent of our DNA with yeast and 25 percent with daffodils.